Derived from acupuncture, Acupressure is a method that uses physical pressure applied to acupoints on the meridians in the body. It works to rebalance your chi, relieve tension and stagnation of Qi, improve your overall health.
Non-fire Cupping is a type of alternative therapy that originated in China. It involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. The suction facilitates healing with blood flow by loosening the fascial tension on the muscle.
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Chair Massage is performed in a specially designed chair with your clothes on and get massage with your sitting posture, massage without oil or lotion. It is excellent for relaxation and massage that for if you are not convenient to lay down.
Deep tissue massage is a technique use deep pressure to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It is designed to remove severe tension and helps improve range of motion and heal injuries below the surface.
Cupping is a type of Alternative Therapy that originated in China. It involves placing cups on the skin to create suction with by means of fire. The suction facilitates healing with blood flow by loosening the fascial tension on the muscle. A
The practice using hot stones to improve health and relaxation. Hot Stones were placed on the body and used for massage to relax tense muscles and relieve related pain. Heat will penetrate deeper therefore reach a better effect of loosen up m
Swedish Massage uses gentle to medium pressure with massage oil or cream while using smooth, gliding strokes. to promote relaxation, create other health benefits, and give you a feeling of total pampering. It is a classic massage that will ea
Sports massage uses a variety of techniques designed to help your body feel freer, stronger, recover quicker, increase functionality while exercising, and prepares your body for optimal performance, which is great for those with active lifest
Massage focuses on pain spots to help pain relief and recovery, focuses on unwinding knots in strained muscle, stretches, flexibility of joints, toning, adhesions, help to increase performance of your own body's healing systems. Heat packs a
Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart.
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